Friday, November 25, 2011

Effects of Alcohol on Mental Health

Many people often are addicted to alcohol for getting relieved from stress and also for enjoying the pleasure. It is known that drinking causes several physical health effects such as increased risk of heart attacks, liver damage, etc. In addition, excessive alcohol intake can even affect mental health. Many issues such as anxiety, depression, confusion, dementia, etc. may arise with alcohol usage.

Alcohol can cause temporary relief from some negative thoughts and feelings as it alters the chemistry of the brain. However, long-term and heavy drinking can increase the problem more after the alcohol wears off. Also, it is associated with depression in the same way. Serotonin, a chemical in the brain regulates the mood. Through regular drinking, the levels of this chemical gets depleted and this alters the mood changes in drunkards. Heavy drinkers with anxiety and depression cannot even be treated with antidepressants. The symptoms of these issues only get diminished with time upon stopping drinking.

Excessive drinking also rises issues like suicide, self-harm and psychosis. It is found that alcohol makes people lose their inhibition. It increases impulsivity which makes to take actions like suicide and self-harm. Drinking for several weeks may also cause psychosis where people suffer from hallucinations and delusions. These symptoms of psychosis may also be seen when heavy drinkers stop drinking suddenly. Dementia is the other major mental health issue which is observed in heavy alcohol users. Drinking may lead to loss of short-term memory and with time it even affects your long-term memory. Keeping these mental effects in mind, be careful and get away from being habituated to excessive drinking.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why is Flossing Important for Dental Health?

Maintaining dental health is very much important for one, may it be a child or an older citizen. It is known from various studies that the dental health even has an effect on the whole body health. The most common oral health practices including brushing and flossing are very much necessary. Here is some information on the importance of flossing.

Flossing is intended to reduce the number of bacteria which inhabit our mouths. The bacterial growth promoted by poor oral hygiene can lead to plaque formation which is the primary factor causing several dental issues like decay and tooth loss. By brushing the teeth regularly, the bacteria, any trapped food particles and plaque can be removed. However, it is mistaken that only brushing is required for maintaining oral hygiene. However, flossing is a key component of oral hygiene practice which removes any bacteria in the mouth that are hidden in tiny places and hard to remove by brushing.

Negligible or irregular flossing can lead to the buildup of tartar which is a hardened form of plaque. Plaque and tartar may further cause gum diseases. It is, therefore, recommended to remove plaque by flossing after each meal. Flossing is also considered to avoid bad breath which is generally associated with plaque. As said, good oral health ensures overall health of the body. Health problems like diabetes may be linked with gum diseases. The gum problems may occur because of improper flossing. Considering this importance of flossing, make it a habit of frequent flossing and ensure good oral health. 

Related Links:
Cosmetic Dentist London
Dentist UK
Dental Implants
Dental Implants Cost

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Qualities that Make You a Good Yoga Instructor

There are lot more things which make a man in to an instructor, that too for tough courses like yoga. It needs a lot of dedication and more particularly passion towards the profession. This can be seen in very few people and only those people will succeed who will do it for their self satisfaction, considering earning money as their second criteria for teaching yoga. Following are few things which can be considered as the key factors or qualities that make a good instructor.
  • The in depth knowledge about yoga and its applications is an important factor to consider in order to become a good instructor. Certifications are no way equal to the amount of knowledge you gain if one has that much grip on the respective topic.
  • The skill of communicating in a proper way which can be understood by anyone can be considered as a god gift and can be found in only few people. A good trainer should have this quality and also should have the skill of demonstrating the techniques and postures in a proper way.
  • Motivation is another thing which all the yoga trainers should definitely posses. They not only have to train the people who came to learn the course, but also are required to motivate other people by educating them and making them aware about the benefits of practicing yoga, then only he/she can excel in their field of teaching yoga.
  • They should have the concern towards the problems of the public and they are supposed to show empathy on them and need to provide useful suggestions and tips according to their disorder. He/she has to feel like as if the problem happened to them personally and need to take care about his trainees and the fellow members.
  • A good trainer never hesitates to do corrections then and there as they occur. It is the correct time to guide a practitioner the moment he /she does the mistake. So that they will never try to repeat it again.
These are few things which are helpful to become a good yoga instructor.