Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Safety Issues to be Considered in Babysitting

Babysitting and nanny care is an easy way of earning mostly for teenagers. However, the babysitters need to know about certain safety rules and issues. Knowing these makes the person to take a right action when an unexpected situation arises.

Safety Rules for babysitting:

First Aid:
When a baby gets hurt or sick, first aid has to be done immediately. Thus a babysitter should make sure that she knows certain first aid procedures. If not certain courses have to be done in order to learn first aid.

Knowing the House:
One need to know information about the house as to where the emergency exits, fire extinguishers and fire escape route exist in the house. Know about the lock systems for doors and windows. Also one should be sure of how the house alarm works.

A list of medicines that are used for children is to be written down by asking parents. Also medicines that they use for cold, pain and the presence of any allergies should be noted. Proper dosage of medication must be used.

Locking the Door:
Doors and windows should be locked. If any person whom you do not know wants to come in, do not open the door. They would understand that you are being safe and would go away. If still they do not go away police should be called.

Check if there is a fencing for the home or a playground. Prevent the children from going out of the fencing.

Location of House:
Observe the location of the house as to where it is present. If it is present on a busy street, then one needs to be so careful and should not allow children to go out.

Handicapped Children:
One needs to be more careful while looking after handicapped children. It is not good to leave them alone and utmost care has to be taken.

Phone Safety:
The babysitter should know where the phone is present in the house. Also it should be made sure that there are numbers to be called at times of emergencies.

Contacting Parents:
The contact information of parents has to be noted. The babysitter should call to the parents in case of emergencies. Know about the information of neighbors, adult family members, and emergency personnel like firemen and police.

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