Monday, December 26, 2011

Regular Yoga Enhances your Memory

Memory plays a key role in our day to day life. It helps us in recollecting and recalling things which happened in the past. Having memory about limited things is normal in everyone's life but having extra ordinary memory power to remember large amount of information is either god's gift or can be attained by severe practice. One of the best and easiest methods to get good memory power is through yoga. Many yogic techniques are helpful in improving our memory power. Let us see how some of them help us to do so.

Sarvangasana: The main benefit of doing this posture is it helps in supplying pure blood to the brain. As the blood circulation increases the nerve cells and the glands present in the brain become healthy and work actively. They also make pituitary and pineal glands healthy and activates the brain in such a way that they help in increasing the memory power, grasping power and intelligence particularly in children.

Bhujangasana: This posture is another method to improve memory power. It also helps in increasing the remembrance power by making the nerve cells present in the brain active. Besides that this posture also strengthens thyroid and para thyroid glands and is very useful for the people suffering from asthma.

Kapalbhati pranayama: Another wonderful medicine for improving memory power is through this posture. It not only increases the blood flow to the brain but also removes blood clots and hence improves the memory power.

Brahmari Pranayama: This posture is helpful to cure brain generated problems like tensions, worries, anger, sleeplessness, depression and other problems and improves the memory power. It also helps in curing anxiety and depression which are the root causes for memory loss.

These are the few techniques which help you in increasing the memory power. It is not enough to know the benefits as they become functional only when they are practiced. So, choose a reputed yoga teacher and get enough training and permanent solution for all your health related problems.

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