Friday, August 23, 2013

Nutritional Supplements That Strengthen Teeth Enamel

According to The American Dental Hygienist's Association, teeth are formed by mineralization that begins in the fourth month of pregnancy. Tooth enamel is the hard outer surface layer of your teeth that serves to protect against tooth decay. Tooth enamel is considered as the hardest mineral substance in your body, even stronger than bone.

In spite of its strength, everyday acids that develop from certain foods and drinks, particularly those that are sweet or contain starch, can put your enamel at risk. Acids can attack and soften the tooth surface. Plaque bacteria produce acids that can weaken and destroy the enamel. And once your enamel is gone, it is gone for good.

Tooth enamel development and strength is permanently affected after birth, diet and nutrition. Tooth enamel is made up of the mineral calcium phosphate in a crystal structure. Healthy balanced diet provides minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth and gums. Below are some of the vitamins that strengthens your teeth enamel.
Vitamin C is essential for growth, repair and maintenance of tissue, cartilage, bones and teeth.  vitamin C can protect against tooth decay by slowing the growth of harmful bacteria.

Normal bone growth and bone density depends on maintaining calcium levels. Vitamin D is essential for calcium to be used by the body. If there is not enough vitamin D in the diet, there is not enough calcium absorption to satisfy what the body needs.

Vitamin A and vitamin K are helpful for strengthening teeth. A tooth's enamel contains keratin, a type of protein, and requires vitamin A for its formation. Vitamin K is important in the calcium-binding function of proteins and plays a role in normal bone growth and bone density. It also helps the production of a protein named osteocalcin, which draws calcium into the teeth.

What Vitamins Help Hair Growth?

Now a days many people are suffering from falling hair, spitted hair, dull looking hair etc, and they wanted to make their hair grow, shiner, and stronger within a less time. However, hair can grow only 1 cm a month and that's too not fast.

Eating a balanced diet can help your hair easily and faster growth. The diet should include necessary vitamins, protein, minerals such as iron, zinc and even essential fats. Regular intake of vitamins can promotes healthy hair than any hair growth shampoo and other sources.

Just as our body needs vitamins to maintain proper body functioning, some vitamins too play a vital role for your healthier hair growth. So, better to focus on these vitamins for making your hair stronger, silkier, shiner, and fast growing. Lack of vitamins slows down the growth of hair, making your hair look dull and easily broken and may cause thinning hair.

Following are some of the vitamins which make your hair stronger and healthier:

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin that produces healthy sebum in the scalp, which keeps the scalp and hair hydrated. This deficiency results breaking of hair and scaly acne skin. Vitamin A  is found in food sources such as carrot, lemon, grapefruit, sweet potatoes, broccoli, apricots, fish liver oil, meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and peaches. Right amount of this vitamin intake  daily can prevent most of the hair problems.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps in maintaining hair health. This vitamin can prevent hair loss as well as premature graying, dryness, and brittle hair. This vitamin deficiency can lead to weakening of hair structure. Sources of Vitamin C are orange, lemon, lime, melon, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, black current, tomato, cucumber, cauliflower, green peppers, potatoes etc.

Vitamin D is responsible for healthy hair follicle growth cycle and it reduces hair loss problem. Sources of Vitamin D are mushrooms, fish, whole egg, milk, cod liver oil, salmon, tuna, cereal, pork, beef liver, ricotta cheese and so on.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that increases circulation to the scalp, responsible for strong, non-vibrant hair and functions as a stimulant to the immune system. Good immune system makes your hair grow faster. Vitamin E found in ice bran, dark green vegetables, legumes, whole grains, wheat germ oil, soybeans, raw seeds and nuts, dried beans, and so on.

Vitamin H, also known as biotin, produces keratin and promotes cell growth and metabolism that helps in hair growth and prevents brittle, fragile hair. Biotin deficiency results in loss of hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. Sources of vitamin H are yeast, whole grains, egg yolks, liver, rice, milk, cheese, Swiss chard, peanuts, raw cauliflower, raspberries and avocado.

Vitamin B is also useful for hair. It strengthens hair follicles and makes it less prone to damage and hair loss. Eating vitamin B content in your diet will increase hair growth, reduce hair loss and prevent your hair from graying as well.  Vitamin B is found in eggs, meat, fresh fruits, turkey, and fish. Especially vitamin B5, B6, B9 are also useful for improving your hair condition.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Development Phases of Enterprise Software

Enterprise software (ES) is capable of performing all the operations related to the organizations or businesses. Organizations need to be careful and be involved thoroughly in the development of the software to make sure that it is designed to operate efficiently and is well suitable for the business.
Here are some important steps to follow by the organization while developing the software for their enterprise. 

Requirement gathering
This is the first and most important phase of development of enterprise software. Requirements provided to the developer must be brief, sharp and complete. The organization must have total clarity on how the software should be and what operations of their business it has to perform.

Care should be taken that any unwanted or extra operations should not be provided to the developer. This makes the software complex and expensive for the organization.

There should be a good communication between the organization and the developer.

Creating an outline
Once the requirements are given to the developer. They should understand them well and create an outline of the ES which they are going to develop. It should be explained to the organization and get the approval from them before they start.

Organization must go through the outline thoroughly and see if it covers all the operations of their business before they give approval to start developing the actual ES.

After the approval of the organization, developers starts the coding of actual software. This phase of ES development cycle is time taking. The development time varies with the size of the business and their requirements.

This phase involves a group of people proficient in developing the ES according to the requirements given by the organization.

It is the responsibility of the organization in following up the status of the development process.

Trial before deploying
When the actual software is developed, before it is installed in the organization's server it should be executed first and demonstrate to the organization people.

Feedback from the members of the organization should be encouraged and perform modifications for better performance of the ES.

Training should be provided to the people of the organization who are going to work on that ES for enterprise operations.

After the proper execution of the ES during the trial and making required modifications to it, the ES is installed in the server of the organization/business.

Organization now owns the software which performs all their activities in an efficient way and provide security to their information.

People of the enterprise who are working on the ES must be trained properly so that the ES is not crashed.

After the ES is delivered to the organizations and they using it for some period, it may be required to do some modifications. This may be because of the changes in the business or change in the functionality of the business.
In this case, the developers would do the changes in the ES and add or remove some operations as requested by the organization. Developers may charge or do it for free depending on the modifications.