Friday, August 23, 2013

Nutritional Supplements That Strengthen Teeth Enamel

According to The American Dental Hygienist's Association, teeth are formed by mineralization that begins in the fourth month of pregnancy. Tooth enamel is the hard outer surface layer of your teeth that serves to protect against tooth decay. Tooth enamel is considered as the hardest mineral substance in your body, even stronger than bone.

In spite of its strength, everyday acids that develop from certain foods and drinks, particularly those that are sweet or contain starch, can put your enamel at risk. Acids can attack and soften the tooth surface. Plaque bacteria produce acids that can weaken and destroy the enamel. And once your enamel is gone, it is gone for good.

Tooth enamel development and strength is permanently affected after birth, diet and nutrition. Tooth enamel is made up of the mineral calcium phosphate in a crystal structure. Healthy balanced diet provides minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth and gums. Below are some of the vitamins that strengthens your teeth enamel.
Vitamin C is essential for growth, repair and maintenance of tissue, cartilage, bones and teeth.  vitamin C can protect against tooth decay by slowing the growth of harmful bacteria.

Normal bone growth and bone density depends on maintaining calcium levels. Vitamin D is essential for calcium to be used by the body. If there is not enough vitamin D in the diet, there is not enough calcium absorption to satisfy what the body needs.

Vitamin A and vitamin K are helpful for strengthening teeth. A tooth's enamel contains keratin, a type of protein, and requires vitamin A for its formation. Vitamin K is important in the calcium-binding function of proteins and plays a role in normal bone growth and bone density. It also helps the production of a protein named osteocalcin, which draws calcium into the teeth.

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