Monday, February 1, 2010

Effects Of Inhalants

The continuous use of inhalants is very dangerous and can lead to death. The effects of inhalants are:
  • Inhalants are elements or fumes from products like glue or paint thinner which are sniffed or huffed to create instantaneous happiness. As they have impact on brain at a greater speed than many other substances, they can create permanent physical and mental damage.
  • Inhalants make the body deficit of oxygen and force the heart to beat irregularly and more quickly, which can be dangerous for the body.
  • People who use inhalants have more chances of losing their sense of smell, will suffer from nausea and nosebleeds, and will also develop liver, lung, and kidney disorders. Continuous inhalant use can result in muscle wasting and in decreased muscle tone and strength.
  • Sometimes, inhalants can cause an immediate death due to suffocation, choking on their vomit, or receiving a heart attack.

Prolonged abuse of inhalants will create serious harm to important organs in the body, like brain, heart, kidneys, and liver. The vaporous fumes can alter brain chemistry and permanently damages the brain and central nervous system. Long-term use can also lead to a permanent change or failure of nerves, called polyneuropathy. Particular inhalants will make the body generate less of all types of blood cells, which causes disorder called aplastic anemia. Other symptoms observed in long-term inhalant abusers are weight loss, muscle weakness, disorientation, inattentiveness, irritability, and depression.

Related Links:
Drug test

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