Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Build a Shelter for your Aviary in Garden

fairy garden
Aviary is nothing but the large enclosure that is confined for birds. It provides a large living space for your birds that can allow them to fly. Traditionally, sheds serve the purpose of providing shelter to the aviary. They are attached to the rear end so that the birds are protected from bad weather elements.

You can also convert a spare garden shed of your home into a shelter for the birds. A flight area can be built around an outside window. You can open the glass of the window so that they can freely fly in and out. If you do not have a garden shed in your home, you can purchase second hand sheds available at affordable prices at certain garden centers.

A shelter for aviaries can be built on your own. First, you can build a flat roofed shelter made of tough marine plywood. You need to allow the highest part of the roof that needs to be attached to the flight area. It should be sloped off towards the rear end to allow the water run off. Any cut ends in the sheds should be made flatten as the birds may fly into them and get injured.

Certain factors such as size and site are to be considered while planning to build the shelter. Based on the space available in your garden, you can choose the size of the shelter. A larger shelter may affect your cost of the project. Choose a proper position in your garden where you can erect the shelter. Ensure that proper sunshine is available for the birds. Allow a safety porch that prevents the birds from escaping. Provide a door for the shelter to access feeding for the birds. This way you can arrange the best shelter for your birds at your home.

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