Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Self Control & Decision Is Key To Change

In order to change circumstances and events in your life, you must not only be prepared to change but you must change. People often think that they can manifest millions or attract a dream relationship without the drive to change in order to accept their new desires.

Change is required to bring new and better things into your experience. If you are happy and content with what you’ve got then feel free to wallow in what you have already achieved. If you desire to have more, then be prepared for change. How many times have you got all fired up about something and then only to find that your enthusiasm has dissipated into the ether? How many times have you made a firm decision and really meant it and said, “I’m going on a diet" or “I’m quitting smoking" or "I’m not going to eat that cake" and like?

Everyone has the power to decide upon something and stick to it. Consider a different situation for a moment. You’re in a life or death situation and someone is ordering you to go on a diet, to quit smoking or to eat only healthy foods. Do you think you would do it then? Of course you would! There are two elements that help you decide "it’s okay to keep smoking" or "its okay, you can start exercising tomorrow". The first is self-talk and the second is lack of proper planning.

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