Monday, March 17, 2008

All about Houseplants

Fairy garden
The hanging plants are major options for the gardens of window because they spare space. You will have to install a hook of plant for each hanging plant. Plants of spider, ferns of Boston, and the plants of caterpillar are some examples that function to hang well. Instead of maintaining the plants in the plastic containers that you bought them inside, you should plant them in larger, decorative, and stronger pots. The plants will look more pleasant and will be healthier. It can be difficult to choose that the windowsill plant. If you will not have much time to maintain the houseplants, some good choices are the African violets, the lilies of peace, and ivy.

There are many varieties of each one of the latter as well. You can choose those based on the color and the personal taste. If you want a little more control of when your plants flower, you can use bulbs. You can force the bulbs to push earlier in spring to earlier add the color to your house. The cooling of the bulbs during a few months in a refrigerator makes force. During four to six weeks after plantation of the bulbs, with water adapted, the plants will push. If you seek an exotic glance, the orchids are a major option. Be not frightened with by their reputation to be hard and far to develop. They are really completely easy to take care of. Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, and the orchises of cattleya are some of the varieties simplest to develop.

With the varieties of Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum, it is easy to obtain the flowers "bold" with the rebloom. It is a little more difficult to support the small flowers of Cattleya, however. You will need a clay pot, a plate, and stones for your orchises. The orchis should be planted in a fresh mixture of setting out of pot in the clay pot. You must then run the hot water of the temperature above the orchis during two minutes. You should allow him to entirely run out because upright keep silent water often orchises. Cover the bottom of the stone plate and place it on the windowsill. The orchis can then be put on the plate. Check the mixture of setting out of pot once per week to see whether it is dry. If so, sprinkle as described it in this paragraph earlier. So even the plants simple to worry about too are for you, the increasing plants in a terrarium will certainly function for you. There is pretty much in manner of not of turning badly.

To make a terrarium, you need a container with a lid, sands, ground of setting out of pot, and some plants or ferns tropical. The bottom of the container should be filled with three inches of sand. A few inches of ground should be versed on that. Dig out of a sector in the ground for each plant. Place the plants in terrarium and supplement the hollow sectors of more than ground of setting out of pot. Humidify the ground of some soup-spoons of water. Put the lid on the container and place to it, share out of the direct sunlight. The terrarium will create it must have moisture to sprinkle the plants. So too much condensation develops, open simply the lid that a little left breath some. To maintain the plants of house and to obtain them to develop during the winter will help liven to the top of the spirit of your house by adding certain a life and color. This is how you can grow and maintain your houseplants with care.

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