Sunday, January 4, 2009

When Confidence Becomes Over-Confidence…

Confidence is a power that helps you to perform things at your full ability. But when confidence becomes overconfidence you cannot even perform. And the end product of some work performed in overconfidence is a mere blunder. No matter, whether it’s almost a success or almost a failure.

People never get a full failure due to overconfidence unless in cases where specific and accurate performance is required. For example, consider the case of a professor conducting some critical chemical experiment and is overconfident about his ability in measuring substances. He either comes up with new chemical or blasts up the chemical lab.

When people are subjected to overconfidence they stop growing in their life or their career.

Over confident is best explained as the thin line between two phrases -
“Nothing is Impossible” and “Everything is possible”.

The difference between these two phrases gives you the difference between confidence and overconfidence.

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