Friday, May 27, 2011

Adding a Beautiful Waterfall to Your Pond

Using different landscape elements can improve the quality of your garden and home as well. Pond landscaping is one of the options of enhancing the view of garden. Addition of a beautiful waterfall to your pond further increases its attraction.

Consider the design of the waterfall you wish to place in the pond. Then make a proper planning regarding its size. Ensure that the width of the waterfall is in proportion to the size of the pond. The installation should be proper and must be in such a way that it fits with the surrounding features. It should not spoil the balance of your overall garden design.

Once you decide the exact location, you need to put down a liner from the start of the waterfall into your pond. This liner directs the flow of water in the waterfall. Then the liner can be hold down and hidden by using boulders or large stones. Then you need to place the tubing of the pump, up the length and height of the waterfall. The right waterfall pump and proper aeration is really important. It helps to ensure full circulation to help stave off stagnation.

The tubing of the waterfall is bent back towards the pond at its height and secured with one or more capstones. Once the tubing is secured, connect the tubing to the pump and test the flow of the waterfall. A waterfall in the pond has many beautiful benefits. It raises the resale value of your estate property. However, ensure that you add plenty of pond plants in order to minimize the likelihood of algal blooms and other unsightly water quality conditions.

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