Friday, October 28, 2011

What are Oil-filled Radiator Heaters?

As the winter arrives, everyone of us find the best home heating options to overcome the chilled weather. Among the many different options, oil-filled radiators are one which are nothing but simple electrical space heaters intended for providing reliable heat. They are not powered by oil, however, they use oil for heating the room. So, remember oil-filled space heaters do not use oil as fuel. Go on to know further about oil-filled radiators.

Special heat conserving oil is present in the oil-filled radiators. The oil is circulated throughout the coils and fins of the radiator to heat them. The oil is sealed inside the coils of the heater. Upon getting heated, the heat from coils and fins of the heater is passed out or radiated through the rest of the room by convection. No fans are used by these heaters and hence, support silent operation without noise. The warm air rises up drawing the cold air present below into the heater.

Remember, oil in the oil-filled space heaters is not burned and is just warmed. Therefore, it is not necessary to replace or refill it. Some of the heaters also have special safety covers which prevent children and pets from touching the heating elements which radiate the warmth. Oil filled radiator heaters are very much efficient as the internal oil transfers a higher percentage of its energy to the outer parts of the heater. The oil retains some heat and releases it over time even after you switch off the heater. This assures supply of warming effect to the surrounding area.

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