Friday, May 25, 2012

What are the Food Sources of Biotin?

Biotin or vitamin B7, a water-soluble vitamin belongs to the group of B-complex vitamin. It helps the body process fats, proteins and sugars and produces energy. As it is involved with creating the building blocks for basic body functions at a cellular level, it's very important to have a sufficient supply of this nutritional element.

Many foods contain vitamin B7 or biotin. It is found in egg yolk, liver, peanuts, almonds, walnuts and other nuts yeast, bread, whole-wheat, cheese, cheddar, liver, halibut, pork, salmon, avocado, berries and fruits, raspberries, vegetables such as cauliflower, peas, onions, cucumbers, carrots etc. and organ meats like liver and kidney. Swiss chard is also another nutritional source of vitamin b6 which is having antioxidant properties. Goat's milk and cow's milk and many more.

Do not take only egg white for a longer periods of time because egg white reduces egg yolk's biotin effectiveness in the body. Include all these food sources in your diet for keeping your body healthy.

Related Links:
Now foods

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