Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cleaning Up After Apartment Entertaining

Have you hosted a party or had any fun family gathering in your apartment. This is very great thing for you. If it is your first place it means your turn to host a get together. Of course just after two weeks from moving into my Houston apartments I have thrown a party to all my friends and family. Remember one thing that goes hand in hand with party or entertainment though is clean up. This can be difficult process, particularly in a smaller space like that of an apartment. Here are a few helpful tips to make sure that your party is a hit and clean up isn’t a horrible thing.

Clean throughout the party, it doesn’t mean that you have to break out the vacuum every fifteen minutes, but occasional spot checks will help you catch problem areas early, as well as problem guests. If you see someone not taking care of your home the way that you would wish, ask him or her to treat your home better. Do it in a polite way, of course! Provide convenient places for your guests to place their garbage. To avoid a pile up of trash on your counters and tables, make sure that you have several places for your guests to toss their trash and empties. You should, ideally, have at least three large trashcans situated around your apartment.

Another time saving convenience is using paper plates. This will save you the task of washing every dish that you own, as well as ensuring that there are plenty of plates and bowls for your guests to use. Best of all, when the meal is over, your guests can simply toss the plates in the garbage, or better yet, the recycle bin. You won’t have to wash anything and you can contribute to the environment by saving water and recycling, at the same time.

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