Saturday, November 22, 2008

Major Inventions and Discoveries Are From Westerners

Though I am not one of those who fight on the basis of westernization, I strongly agree that Westerners have a big impact world wide.

This is the very reason on why it is always the western countries, the victims of terrorism. Even if they attack on eastern countries, the places are those where westernization has a big impact on people of that region.

It is a fact that major inventions in fields of science and technology have taken place in Western regions. Let us start with electricity. Benjamin Franklin was considered one of the founding fathers of USA. And the list continues with the inventions like nuclear power, electric light, telephone, television, mobile phone, and internet. And then we have pencil and ball point pen, from the westerners who gave a writing revolution to the people all over the world.

And some other major things include Computer, bicycle, automobile, and airplane. It is actually a big list.

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