Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What does astrology say about US elections?

With the entire hot atmosphere out here, with the US elections, I wish there is some means to predict which candidate would be the next president. The main reason, I am looking for this is that, I have to stand back after losses from stock market crush.

We all know that in stock market business, information is money. The sooner you get the information, the more you will profit. Of course, there are people who have burnt their hands by doing business relying on unreliable sources of information.

And US elections are not a small deal. I have gone through all the pre election campaigns to analyze the success rates of these two candidates. All seem to have mixed results, thus making it very confusing and analyzing.

Since these are the mighty elections for ruling the world’s supreme power, ay thing could happen at any point of time. So, to come out of these I am trying to take aid of astrology. What is you opinion?

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